Important Update regarding Covid-19

15 Feb

Auckland is currently in COVID-19 Response Level 3 and will be so until at least 11.59pm on Wednesday 17 February.

While in Level 3 no cricket activity is permitted, including the playing of games, training and workshops (this may, however, occur in an online/digital format if applicable eg Zoom meetings).

This means that all games scheduled between Monday 15 February and 11.59pm on Wednesday 17 February are abandoned.

We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates when appropriate.

Cricket Under the Levels

The following is a guideline on what cricket will look like under the various levels (2 and 2.5 are based on past lockdown regulations and are subject to change).

Level 3  

Under Level 3 no cricket activity is permitted, including playing of games, training and workshops.

Level 2.5

Under Level 2.5 small group activity can take place, however, all protocols as per level 2 must be carried out plus no gatherings over 10. No ACA games will be permitted however, Clubs and schools may deliver small trainings if Ministry of Health and Sport NZ guidelines are followed.

Level 2

Under Level 2 (L2) all cricket activity can occur if Ministry of Health and NZ Cricket COVID-19 guidelines are followed, including restrictions on mass gatherings (100), contact tracing and hygiene protocols. 

Resources and Information

Can be found via ACA’s dedicated website page – they will keep this updated as applicable - Auckland Cricket C19 Website -

What we are doing

Although not confirmed, it is possible that Auckland will return to L2 at some stage. We as a community need to be prepared for this to occur to minimise the impact on our community and maximise playing opportunities under safe conditions.

Before Clubs can host cricket under L2, we must complete the following documentation for Auckland Cricket (ACA) and have the processes as outlined in them set up.

  • Return to Play Plan including site maps if we plan to host separate gatherings at the same time;
  • Training Plan;
  • Club and Changing Room Plan;
  • Contact Tracing Plan;
  • Level 2 Approval Plan.

As this may be a possibility before the weekend, we are required to submit our documents as outlined above to ACA by 12pm Thursday 18 February.

Match Day Management

  • Under L2 gatherings must be 100 or fewer.
  • If we meet this requirement, normal procedures (with hygiene practices/contact tracing) can commence. This may include trying to spread out games over venues or days i.e., playing Year 1-4s spread over Friday night and Saturday morning.
  • If that’s not possible, Windsor Park will need to be sectioned off into 100 person ‘bubbles’ with different entry and exit points. There will also need to be separate parking points and separate toilet facilities.
  • The 100 person limit applies to all people, not just players therefore parents and support staff need to be included.
  • Currently the ACA are undertaking a modelling process aiming to limit venues to four wickets or fewer (at one time) for ACA competitions if there is return to play under L2.
  • If this can be achieved, the ACA believe gatherings at venues can remain under 100 based on;
    • Senior or 11-a-side cricket – 4 pitches/games – 8 teams – 88 players plus 12 support staff (umpires, scorers, administrators) – only paid staff are allowed (no supporters) at these venues.
    • Junior or modified versions – 4 pitches/games – 8 teams – 64 or 72 players depending on the format – each team may have 4 supporters/parents at the venue – these parents must umpire, score, and look after the players. Parents to be designated before the game. Carpooling to be encouraged, with parents not in the 4 to drop off and pick up as appropriate.
    • If the ACA cannot limit grounds to four games per venue due to demand, they will establish site maps and action a similar process to the above – different entry/exit points – creating safe bubbles.

Ongoing Communication

 As the situation is very fluid at the moment the above is subject to change and we will continue to communicate with you to ensure you have the latest information.

If you have any queries please contact me via email at or by phone on 0275 825 693.

Andrew Diver

Club General Manager

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